Berwick Fields Primary School

Wellbeing and Inclusion

Berwick Fields Primary School’s Wellbeing program is aimed at empowering students, staff and families to create an inclusive learning environment which optimises students’ physical and mental wellbeing.

Our Wellbeing and Inclusion Leading teacher is Chrissy Clode. Chrissy facilitates the Wellbeing program within classrooms and liaises with our school’s youth worker Emmalee Keegan, Ben Boersma (Wellbeing & Inclusion Leading teacher), Amanda Davis (Disability & Inclusion Leading Teacher) and our school Chaplain Carmel Holden. 

The key aims of the Berwick fields Primary School’s Wellbeing program are:

We have a number of programs to ensure that our students feel supported and safe. Moreover, our wellbeing initiatives allow for opportunities for students to build their voice and agency when it comes to their own and other students’ wellbeing. These include:

Respectful Relationships is a wide-ranging initiative to help young Victorians deal with a range of challenges they may face and covers topics including being respectful, resilient and being engaged at school and confident in themselves.

The NSWP chaplain will partner with the wellbeing team to provide collaborative student support through weekly check ins and seeking advice as needs arise. The Chaplaincy model developed will be effective in supporting and empowering students to grow in their own wellbeing. With a focus on self-esteem, confidence, resilience, emotional regulation, social skills and problem solving.

Through the PBS program, we focus on explicitly teaching expected behaviours based on our school values, “Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible”. Through explicit teaching of our values, we set clear expectations for all students and clear processes to enact when students are making positive and/or negative choices.

A student program that fosters responsibility and leadership and involves students maintaining and establishing our garden environment.

The Buddy program helps promote strong relationships and support for our youngest students.

including the school’s “Fielder Award”

The Zones program has been incorporated into all classrooms at Berwick Fields and is geared toward students who struggle with self-regulation, including anger management, sensory processing, anxiety, flexibility, or self-control.

Students from the senior area help facilitate fun and active games for other students to play at lunch times. The PALS program supports Berwick Field’s vision in building student leadership skills and promoting a culture of respect and shared responsibility.

Actively used in all classes to help students be proactive in resolving problems, celebrating positive resolutions and teaching social and emotional skills.

Aimed at training our senior students in using restorative practices to help solve minor problems and issues in the yard. This helps further foster cross-age friendships and model positive behaviours.

Students have opportunities to access a variety of lunch time clubs run by teachers. These clubs include, Mindfulness Art, Lego, Minecraft, Mandarin, Games & DD, Drama, District sports, chess, gardening and knitting.

A variety of informative online and in person parent workshops are available for parents to access through Anglicare. Please refer to our school newsletter or Facebook page for more information about the workshops available.

We look forward to your support with our wellbeing program and helping to model these expected behaviours. This helps to make Berwick Fields a strong team and a place where everyone has the best opportunity to learn. Working together, as a school community, we can help each student to achieve their personal best and have a fantastic experience at Berwick Fields Primary School.

Schoolwide Positive Behaviours

At Berwick Fields Primary School, we believe in the right of every child to feel safe and happy at school, and the right of every child to learn, uninterrupted. We believe in these values as they help to strengthen our community and build a strong and supportive team. They will also help to maximise each child’s opportunity to learn. In order to enact these rights, we have shared expectations of all members of our community.

Berwick Fields is a part of the Department of Education and Training’s Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support Program (PBS). Through the PBS program, we focus on explicitly teaching expected behaviours at school, having clear expectations of all students and clear processes to enact when students are not demonstrating the behaviours expected at Berwick Fields. We also reinforce and recognize the positive behaviours and choices that 99% of our students make all of the time.

On this page we have highlighted these expectations.

We look forward to your support with this program and helping to model these expected behaviours. This helps to make Berwick Fields a strong team and fantastic place where everyone has the best opportunity to learn. Working together, both as parents, students and teachers, we can help each student to achieve their personal best and have a fantastic experience at Berwick Fields Primary School.